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Hika's Treasure is a website I created to help spread and educate axolotl husbandry and proper breeding ethics. I have been doing research on axolotl care and husbandry since February 2021. 

My goal is to provide genetically healthy and well bred axolotls to pet parents throughout the U.S. legally. I want to provide education to help us grow as a community and as an axolotl family. 

I  will be posting care articles, axolotls for sale, and will provide genetic information on each axolotl that is being paired back to their grandparents. If you have any questions about the listing or the clutches I can always be contacted.

I would not be the axolotl parent and breeder I am today without the help of Axolotl Central, and AXO (American Axolotl Organization). I will link Axolotl Central's website and both discord information so you can follow and find more information about our lovely axolotls!